Monday, April 30, 2007

Let the nerves begin...

Well, this weekend I've finally started getting nervous about this whole birth thing. I don't know if it's nerves or anxiety. We're all getting really excited around here. Scott even said he needs to learn how to change a diaper this weekend! Something he's been dead set against up until this point, lol. He went through all her stuff Friday night and wanted to know how everything worked, the pack n'play, the car seat, the stroller, the diaper was so cute.
I started having some cramps here and there this weekend. Kind of like the cramps you get before you get your period. Just achy and uncomfortable. It kind of freaks you out when you're not sure what you're supposed to be feeling and what you're not. Plus, I haven't had to deal with cramps for 8 months now! It was a glorious 8 months, lol. We see the doc again on Thursday and we'll see what she has to say. I'm also meeting with the babies doctor on Friday. Any advise on questions I should ask her?
Well, that's about it for now. We had a great weekend even though it rained both days :( today it's going to be close to 80 and I'm headed outside for the day! The messy house can wait, I miss the sun!
Each week gets more and more real that this baby could be here at any time!

Here are a few pics from our rainy weekend...

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