Wednesday, January 24, 2007
21 weeks
The belly continues to get bigger everyday. It's finally starting to get that round pregnant look.
I had to go back to the place I trained in back in for work and everyone there noticed. I was all smiles all day. They were all so happy for me and wouldn't let me lift a finger all day, lol. It was funny to see them noticing but afraid to ask. One brave soul finally asked, she said "Are you...umm (rubs her belly) or did you just have too many donuts this morning?" Others just stared at my belly every time they talked to me and were to afraid to ask.
The simple things in life are starting to get more difficult by the day. Such as, putting on your socks, rolling over in bed (which is now a 12 step thought out process and not just a natural reaction) getting off the couch, and going up stairs. I've only just begun to finally show and I'm really going to be in for it in the months to come.
Lately I've been in pain. Just achy all over. My hips and my back are killing me, I have to sit down from time to time at work and regain my strength. I wish I had something to constantly rub my hips and lower back because that is the only way I can function. I walk around all day rubbing my back, my hips, or my belly. It's the only thing that helps.
I am CONSTANTLY hungry! It won't stop. I eat at least every 2 hours and if I don't I feel like I am going to die! I feel sick and ache and just want to stuff my face with the forst thing I see. This makes being at work very difficult. I feel like my entire day is spent eating or peeing.
It looks as though I will be sticking it out until the end at work :( I am taking an extra day off each week for the next 3 weeks and then I am taking a week off in April. So I'll have to make it about 7 weeks and then I put in to take the 3rd week in May off, so that will be 4 or 5 weeks in between and then I should be out for maternity leave anyway. We'll see how it goes. It gets harder and harder to stay everyday. Work sucks!
Ian leaves for Vegas this weekend, hopefully he'll win a bunch of money and I can quit next week, lol. Does anyone win in Vegas? Wish him luck!
Here's the belly shot from week 21:
Well blogger isn't cooperating so the pic will have to wait.
Posted by
6:51 PM
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Beautiful day!
Unbelievable! I just wrote a huge post outlining every minute detail about today and the internet went down and now it's all gone!!!! I hate that! So now you'll all get the much shorter version of what I just spent 34 minutes writing in extreme detail, sorry.
Ian and I had a wonderful morning together.
Doctor's-Breakfast-Shopping-Doctor's-Lot's of phone calls-Lot's of smiles-Work-and home together-Bottle of champain for Ian, pickles for me, lol.
Amazing views of our baby!
Loved every minute of it.
Due date changed from the 4th to the 2nd.
Baby weighs 14 oz.
Everything looks perfect.
Baby is very skwirmy and loves to kick and move.
The tech made us wait until Ian couldn't take it any more.
We all took a look.
We all thought the same thing.
Finished with measurements.
Went back for another look.
The tech's exact words......
"I see no evidence of a penis"
Ian and I chuckle.
At the end we go back for one final look and again all agree.
We only got 2 pics to take with us. One is of the face, rather alien looking, we took this one because as we were all looking at the baby she openend her mouth and it was like she was smiling, maybe she was yawning, either way it was cute; and the other is the belly and her long legs that I feel skwirming all the time. The tech thought it was adorable how she was layign with her legs crossed like this. LOL. Too cute!
Posted by
10:51 PM
Friday, January 12, 2007
Thursday, January 11, 2007
That's the info I have for you. A whole lot of NOTHING!
No ultrasound today :( I was crushed! I was looking forward to this for 4 weeks...well actually 19.....well more like 2 years, but who's counting. We had to schedule another appointment with the imaging center to get the ultrasound done. So it should be about a week and we'll find out. Let's just hope the baby cooperates.
So today we just did all the routine stuff peeing, weighing, measuring and listening. Everything is good. I've gained 5lbs. which made the doctor happy but she likes to emphasize the eating in every appointment.
I asked the doctor if I could switch offices and go to her other office but she said it's not really an option. I can switch doctors, but 1) I love my doctor and 2) no one else around here will take new pregnancies! Don't ask me what's up with that because it makes no sense to me but when I call the offices that's what they tell me. I'm just going to have to suck it up and put blinders on when I go in the office. All of the staff at the office are great, it's just the other patients that I don't like. In CT the OB office was always so cheery and happy and full of excitement and expectation, this office in NY is more full of misery. It's an awful feeling. You can tell that 75% of the people there don't want to be pregnant and the next 20% probably shouldn't be prego. Then there's the 5% that I fall into, although I could be off on that one since I've only seen one other person who actually looked pleased and possibly excited to be seeing the doctor.
I definitely don't want to give up my doc, I just wish I could change the environment of the whole experience
So back to the weight thing. I'm definitely gaining now. My jeans finally don't fit anymore...well at least not comfortably. I've tried to buy maternity jeans but none of them fit me right either :(
I'll try to take a belly shot tonight and post it.
The baby is still moving like crazy. Ian finally got to feel it for the first time last night. His face light up with amazement, it was great! It's hard to sit still and not let it be known when I feel the baby move. I just love it so much that I am overwhelmed with smiles and joy. Sometimes it surprises me and I jump or make a funny face.
I can't wait to get the crib set up and go register. Ian bought a custom closet kit for the baby's room, I love it.
Just so I have to wait all over again to find out if the little one is a boy or a girl.
Posted by
3:38 PM
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Locks of Love
Well today starts my 19th week, and my first real day off post holiday. I drove out to meet Mary and Ryleigh for lunch at the Olive Garden (Thanks Mary!) Yum Yum! Then it was off to the hair salon.
I can't remember if I had started the blog yet when I did this last time, but 2 years ago I cut off 12 inches and donated it to Locks for Love. I felt it was time again so I made the cut and there was no turning back. My hair is SO short now! I've never had my hair this short before...well, at least not since I was like 8 and even then it was only short for one year. This is shockingly new for me.
After the cut I went to my mom's work to surprise her and I guess she was surprised since she didn't even know who I was! It took her a minute and a triple take to realize it was me! LOL
Ian's exact words upon arriving home were, "What have you done?!" He said he didn't recognize me either when he walked in. Total Shock!
Hehehehe. I like it so far, I'm just not used to the shortness and no ponytail. So what do you think? Here are the before and afters:
Posted by
9:38 PM
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
The belly again
Here's another pic of the belly, still not looking too much bigger. Our scale broke last week so I don't know where I stand as far as the weight is going. I go to the doctor on Thursday the 11th so I guess we'll know then. I'm hoping that we'll get the ultrasound to find out the gender. I'm sure my phone will be ringing non stop that day. I promise to post after the appointment.
I'm feeling the baby move everyday. Today I actually felt it while I was standing up, a first! I usually can only feel it when I'm sitting down. This is SO amazing! I'm loving every minute of it! We've listened to the heart beat again a couple of times but the baby doesn't like to stay still for the doppler. Still strong and in the mid 150's.
Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a fun, safe night. I was in bed by 9pm and didn't get up until 8:30 the next morning! A great way to start off the new year! The dogs woke me up at 12:03am with there barking, lol it was like they were celebrating. But then it was right back to sleep.
I had my first leg cramp last night. OMG! Let's hope it's my only one. My leg has been sore all day! I scared the crap out of Ian when I shot up in bed and was almost screaming in pain. He asked me what was wrong and I said " My leg, Ahhhhh! My leg...I...have...agggghhhhh...cramp in my leg!" To which he said "Your leg? Jeez you scared the crap out of me I thought something was wrong!" and he rolled over and went back to sleep!!! Um, yeah something is wrong my leg is in extreme pain!!
Oh yeah, here's the belly shot of the day:
Posted by
8:11 PM