I am so excited for her! I can not wait to meet this new little girl in our family and to have her and Sami grow up together.
Keep her in your prayers tonight for a save, quick and easy delivery tomorrow.
Time for something new...
Posted by
4:56 PM
So what do you think?
Kind of more generic, but I really don't have much time these days to create new templates and I really wanted a change so this was my quick fix.
I just realized this weekend that I forgot to post about Samantha sitting up. She sits up now! Still a little tipsy here and there but for the most part she can sit on her own and she's learning to catch herself when she starts to lean too far to one side.
The nap strike has ended and she has successfully napped for the past 3 days now! YAY!!!
We had a great weekend! Got to see family on Saturday and Scott and I carved pumpkins on Sunday. Here are some pics....
These boots are made for walkin'
Sami's First Halloween!!
Sami's Baby Jack-o-Lantern and Scott's Pirate (He carved in "Arrrr" along the side)
Posted by
3:15 PM
Sami first rolled from belly to back in September. She's still not a pro at it but it can be done. Last night she rolled from back to belly!!! First time! She just did it again today. She seems to be better at this than the belly to back roll.
Her strength in her head and neck muscles has increased substantially in the last month. She sits in her swing now and holds her head up, trying to sit up while it's swinging. Same with her bouncy seat, she does baby crunches trying to sit up straight.
Her sleeping habits haven't improved yet. She is still up about two times a night. She usually goes down around 8-8:30pm and is up between 1-2:30 am and again around 4:30-6:00 am then up for the day between 7:30 and 8 a.m.
On Monday she took a long morning nap, almost 4 hours long! I think it was because it was dark and rainy out. She was confused, lol. But now she has been on nap strike! How do I fix this? She refuses to nap which makes for a very fussy day.
Today she napped for about 15 minutes in the car and then another quick nap for about 30 minutes. She is just fussy and wanting to nurse constantly. I am a human pacifier! She's not hungry, but wants to eat/nurse all day then spits it all back up because she's full! What a waste.
Not sure what the nap strike is about but I hope it ends soon. Tomorrow we go to pick up her brother after school so that means a 2 hour car ride which hopefully she'll sleep through and maybe that will put her back on track.
Wish us luck!
Posted by
6:05 PM
Posted by
9:05 PM
I've been trying to post a video of Sami laughing for over a week now and for some reason it just won't work :( I think I'll have to upload it to you t*be and post it that way...
Posted by
5:02 PM
So, I just realized that I never posted about Sami's 4 month appointment. She weighed in at 14 pound 3 ounces and a mere 23.25 inches! I think that they measured her length wrong because she was 23 inches at her 2 month appointment. She has definatly grown more than a quarter inch in the past two months. She is nearly busting her toes out of her 3-6 month sleepers and just fits perfectly into the 6-9 months. I don't know.
She recieved 3 shots. Two in one leg and one in the other, and then when we left the doctor's office she fell asleep 30 seconds after I put her in her car seat and she slept for 3 hours!
The night of her shots, she woke up around 1 am to nurse (she still doesn't make it through the night) and when I went in to get her she was burning up! She literally felt like she had been in an oven. I was freaking out! I nursed her and then Ian and I striped her jammies off and took her temp and gave her some tylen*l. She went back to sleep and wasn't acting like anything was bothering her, but I think my heart was going a mile a minute. I couldn't go back to sleep until I knew she was ok so I stayed up for another hour so that I could check her temp again. It went right down once the tylen*l kicked in and I went back to bed. The next day she had 2 more small fevers and then she was fone. Poor thing :(
So...since she's started cereal, she hasn't slept amy different. She still does her usual 6-7 hours and then nurses and goes right back to sleep for another 3-4 hours. Then she wakes up for the day between 7 and 8am and takes a 2-3 hour nap at around 10am.
She doesn't have a real afternoon nap routine. Usually there are a few little cat naps after nursing but no solid naps. Then it's dinner at 6pm, bath time at 7:30 and she's usually out by 8pm. She either falls asleep nursing after her bath or she'll stay up for about 20-30 minutes and then just looks so exhausted that I bring her up and put her to bed. She puts her self to sleep those nights. No crying or anything she just goes right to sleep. I can't believe it!
Last night was a rough night (up every hour!) and today she was pretty cranky and couldn't wait to go to bed. I had to try and keep her up as long as possible
***Ok, so I stopped writing this last night, lol. The laptop battery died and I was too tired anyway. Oh well, now I lost my train of thought.
Sami seems to be more and more fussy as she gets older. Unless I'm holding her or she's eating or sleeping, she's fussing. Unless I sing to her. She wants to constantly be sang to. It's kind of funny, but as soon as you stop she'll start crying. I can't figure her out.
Posted by
8:52 PM
Posted by
10:24 PM
Posted by
5:29 PM
Posted by
3:08 PM