Saturday, August 09, 2008

14 Months

This beautiful little doll is 14 months! I can't believe it. With every passing day she grows more and more and I am more and more amazed. She is learning so fast and some days I am just blown away at the things she can pick up.
She is walking and wandering every where now. Trying so hard to get her feet to coordinate enough for her to run across the room.
She eats just about everything and anything but still has her good days and bad days. Some days she just knows what she wants. Other days, she is willing to try just about anything.
Her language is gradually increasing. She tries very hard to say new words just about everyday. She really wants to talk, talk, talk. She has also started to try and sing along when I sing her "fun" (Kindermus1k) songs. It sometimes sounds more like yelling or shouting, but it's kind of funny to see her try.
She has started finally giving kisses upon request and loves to give them out. I of course am loving this! She gives kisses every morning when I go in to get her, I pick her up out of the crib and she turns and lays one on me every morning! I feel truly blessed.

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