Friday, November 21, 2008

Looks like....

Another GIRL!!! Or so we think. It was a little hard to tell due to her position, but best guess is to plan on a little sister for Sami and Scott.
So far she looks just like Sami did. Even had her little feet crossed just like Sami always did and still does.
Everything is measuring right on track...17 weeks 6 days, and a due date sticking with April 25th. She's very active and was dancing all around during the ultrasound today. So cute. We have no clue on any names yet. Ian says he doesn't have to think about that until around April 15th, lol. Something tells me it's all I will think about until then! We had a boys name on the list but nothing for a girl. I think we were both a little shocked. Ian's face was priceless, I wish I had brought my camera to take his picture. He says he knew it was going to be a girl, but the look on his face said otherwise, lol.

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

How I feel

I'm outta here!

Her expressions totally visualize my feelings today! Still fighting this cold. Just miserable and struggling through the day. Why has my beautiful, perfect little girl become this toddler that has turned on me? How can she be so sweet and helpful one moment and then the exact opposite the very next moment? This is such a difficult age and I'm getting more and more scared about bringing a new baby into this trying time with a toddler. Life is so frustrating as a toddler, and as a mother of a toddler, lol. Some how in the past month Sami has become deaf to the tone of my voice...the sound of my voice...anything that comes out of my mouth really. She doesn't listen to me, but not only does she not listen, it's as though I don't even exist. I'm not really here speaking these words. In her world there is no Mama's voice. Louder, more stern, abrupt, softer, quiet, whispers...none of it works. The child totally blocks me out! UGH!!!
This is our real struggle right now. She's growing too fast and wanting to be so independent. Time outs are not working. She'll do her time. She'll apologize and give kisses. Then she'll go right back 5 minutes later and we start all over.
Our nights have been exhausting. We get home, unload (diaper bag, coats, shoes, purse, lunch bag, dog, baby girl) I start dinner and Sami heads off to the playroom. She embraces her toys, all of whom she longingly missed all day, and all seems right with the world. Once dinners ready it's a whole other night. Dinner is a fight. She wants to do it her self, she's frustrated when she can't. She wants to feed the dog. She will throw food on the floor, for no reason, then ask for more. She's refusing to eat any vegetable other than carrots. All meats are questionable, other than chicken or fish. One or two real bites and she's over the whole dinner time deal. She drops her fork, pushes her food onto the floor and then the plate. Oh, how I long for a meal where I don't have to say the words "no!" and "we don't throw food" and "Patches has her own food, that is Sami's food"
From there the night usually proceeds in the same tone dinner left us in. Don't climb the stairs, don't hit the dog, watch where you're going, you can't jump off the couch, don't throw toys...yada yada yada. Then it's bath time....ahhhhhh. For the most part this is always fun time for both of us, with the exception of the occasional out of control splashing and the fact that she believes the bathtub is secretly an amazing water slide, which results in her slipping and sliding all over the place. After the bath it's round 3 and we fight to get her dryed, diapered, lotioned, and dressed. Then we brush the teeth (she's pretty good there, only fight maybe once a week on this, lol) and of course the hair, she can't go to bed with out brushing her hair. We grab the blankey and head to her room. I turn on the waterfall light show, she leans in and kisses me goodnight..........and my heart melts..... and all is forgotten with the day.
Tomorrow we start again, 6:30am.

It's amazing how that one little kiss at the end of the day can remind you of all the amazing, remarkable things she's done throughout the night that I was able to witness and be a part of and share with her. The smiles, the laughs, the amazement in her eyes when she looks to you because she's discovered something new. I'll cherish it all...always.
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Monday, November 10, 2008

Late pics

Better late than never...right? Here are a few pics from Halloween. I couldn't get any good ones of Sami in her costume because she would just not sit still long enough for anything! She was so excited and did so well. She loved going from house to house and being out walking at night...even though she didn't get to eat any of the candy, lol. ( what a mean mommy I am :()

We have an appointment this Friday at the OB. Just a regular pre-natal exam. I felt the baby move last Wednesday for the first time! I think I was around 16-18 weeks when I felt Sami for the first time, this one was just barely 15 weeks!! Crazy. It was so crazy to feel that little flutter again, and I've been feeling it multiple times throughout the day everyday since. The 21st is our big ultrasound!! I'm sure I mentioned that before but I just can't wait!
Sami was sick last week and now I am sick (fever, sore throat, head ache, body aches...the whole nine!) and Ian is getting sick too and the daycare provider is sick as well...UGH! Thank God tomorrow is a bank holiday and I don't have to work because I don't know how I could possibly make it through the day. Pray that this sickness leaves us all tomorrow!!

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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

My poor blog :(

It's so neglected around here. Things have really gotten away from me and life is just so busy that I don't have a moment to think, let alone blog.
Ian got his promotion at work. So he is now traveling a lot and out of town for 2-3 nights a week. I was going to leave my job, due to daycare arrangements (Ian was picking Sami up most nights and with his new job, he can't always be home to pick her up) job changed my schedule to work around the day care schedule so all is right with the world.

So, I'm working full time, Ian is traveling part time, Sami's in day care...and life goes on. We are still trying to get into some type of routine around here to have some kind of order in our lives, but I don't see it happening any time soon. Hahaha.
We still have our house on the market and are still looking to sell, however there is no longer the stress of "needing" to sell the house now. Obviously, the market is not favorable to sell a home right now so needless to say we haven't had any luck in this market. We shall see what the future months bring.

Sami is doing great, growing like crazy and her personality is just exploding. She is SOOO silly and has such a funny personality. She is talking non-stop, but it's all babble and baby non-sense. She loves to try out new words though and repeat you when she can. Tonight she said "Shadow" it's so awesome to hear her try new words and repeat after us when she asks what something is. She loves her animals and will tell you what sound they make. For Halloween she was an adorable little lion and she would "Roooaaaarrr" when asked what the lion says. She LOVED trick-or-treating and was a real trooper going from house to house with her brother, who was her official "Candy Collector" lol. She has no idea that people we actually giving her candy, as she's never had any before. When we got back to the house and her cousins and brother were digging into their loot, Sami was overjoyed with having her good 'ol snack trap of animal crackers, lol. If only she knew...

The pregnancy is going well so far. I've been feeling fine, but don't really have time to even think about being pregnant, since Sami, work and the farm keep me busy at all hours of the day. We are scheduled for our next ultrasound on the 21st!! I can't wait! Hopefully, Ian will be able to make it, which I'm sure he wouldn't miss it for the world. So we're all excited to see our new little baby on the big screen.

So that's it for now, just crazy, crazy, crazy and busy, busy, busy. No time to think. No time to write. And no projections of anything slowing down anytime soon.